About Me

Hi there & welcome to my abundant blog. 

Hi, its me, Huda. I am an introvert person but learning to walk out from my shell and share my story to the world through my blog called MANA. 

A bit about me,

I'm in my mid-30's. 

I had been working as Human Resource for the past 9 years and I left my job by the end of December 2019. By 2020, I was totally jobless and the pandemic issue became more serious and it doesn't stop there. So this year 2021, I decided to make a change in my life which I had been neglected and give more self-love which I will share with you in the future post.

I'm not a bright student, but Alhamdulillah with His Blessing I was graduated from Universiti Utara Malaysia with Master of Science (Management) and degree from the same university under Management of Technology. One of my biggest dream is to continue my education until PHD which is yet to be completed. One day Insya-Allah, please make dua for me. 

Actually I'm in dilemma which language should I convey my story since I am having a limited  words that allow to express myself in writing. Writing was not my strength, so I may use mixed language whichever I feel comfortable. Anyhow, I will try my best to convey my story to you.

What to expect from my blog?

This main focus of my blog is share with you about my story. Story of my life, how I gain weight, while now I'm looking forward to reduce my weight, other than food, friends and other activities that I did throughout the years. I hope that my story will be able to influence those who are seeking to make a change and become a better, healthier and a happier you.

I may have to take you back to my university life until now. It's going to be a long ride but just go along with me as I'm also trying to open up myself to tell you my story.

Enjoy your reading & thank you for supporting my blog.

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