Practical Days at Petronas Miri

Tamat enam semester di UUM, before graduate surely kena go through practical industry for few months. Like in my case, I have to complete three months practical dan indsutry yang I pergi adalah di Oil and Gas Industry.

Ini semua atas nasihat my sister, she once said to me, choosing the right practical program from a good company is like is like a important ticket for you if you want to get into a good company for your future job. Kebetulan, my brother and my sister both working in Oil and Gas industry so it makes my eye only focus on this industry. Even my dream job is to work at Oil and Gas Company in future.

So, I decided to do my practical  di Petronas Miri Sarawak. 

3 bulan, untuk budak yang baru nak explore working life. Yeah, practical is the right place to start. I ingat lagi first day I start kerja, pakai beria-ria siap coat bagai. 1st impression katanya.... Hahahaa....

Dalam masa tiga bulan I learned a lot through the people around me. Kebetulan my supervisor dulu is Head of Department so he is extremely busy dengan kerja dia. So dia tak ada masa untuk guide me what to do. I jumpa dia first day and my last day of my practical days. Seminggu awal-awal tu dudukla dekat meja sendiri and rasa like total loser sebab tak ada benda yang boleh buat selain dari baca manual and the rest melekat sahaja dekat kerusi masing-masing tak toleh kiri kanan. Yang I nampak derang bangun dari kerusi bila time lunch or time solat/toilet break. Then setiap pagi and petang ada tea lady yang siap air milo everyday sampai lama-lama seluar pun mulalah ketat sikit sebab duduk sahaja. 

Another following week, I need to be more productive by asking people  around me yang agak-agak free sedikit daripada workload derang. Kalau duduk diam tak ke depan tanya orang memang, I wont learn anything la for that three months. From there I kenal one of the staff nama Ganesh. Dialah yang banyak explain to me apa yang department Maintenance Engineering works. Sedikit demi sedikit I berjaya collect information for my final practical report paper. 

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